
主を恐れることは、知恵の初め ―聖書―

In 2024, let's discern and collaborate!


This year started with a major earthquake in the Noto Peninsula. We sincerely pray for the recovery of all the disaster victims.

I think 2024 will be a year of great change.

First, disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons will increase. This year is an election year in 70 countries around the world. The US presidential election is especially attracting attention, and I have a feeling that the balance of power in the world will change significantly. Unfortunately, the Israeli war is far from calming down, and we are even starting to see a third war. This has led to soaring prices and an economic crisis. There are also concerns about further pandemics, and the WHO is trying to secure a pandemic treaty to control the world this May. The one world government of the apocalypse is now in sight. Also, as I mentioned in this email, persecution of Christians in Western countries is increasing.

As mentioned above, we truly feel that we are in the era of Matthew 24:8, ``the beginning of the birth pangs.'' So what should we do now? What can we do to prepare for the final tribulation?

There are many things, but what I would like to propose today is for us to connect, transcending denominations and borders! And to collaborate! Unfortunately, many Christians seem to be self-sufficient within their own denomination. Wouldn't it be great if we could collaborate by leveraging each other's strengths more?

however! Not just anyone! ! Unnecessary unity can lead to the danger of a bad ecumenical movement. So let's discern whether the Christians, groups, teachings, and activities in front of us belong to God or to Satan. If it belongs to God, let's connect and collaborate.How to discern - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)

Now more than ever in the world, more churches are being led astray by false teachers and false teachings and are becoming the property of Satan. And isn't it becoming clearly divided into God's side and Satan's (Babylon the Great) side? If you decide that your church, denomination, or activity is becoming Satan's side, get out! It's painful, but the entire group will be swallowed up by the waves of Babylon. Escape and look forward to the never-before-seen mysterious encounters and friends provided by God!

Depart from her (Babylon the Great), my people, lest she share in her sins or become involved in her plagues.” Revelation 18:4

On the other hand, when I watch the live performances of the WEF Davos conference, which is the center of the Great Babylon side, I see that everyone is collaborating very actively. Collaborations are formed the moment political leaders, managers, engineers, scientists, educators, and unknown unicorn companies from each country realize they have the same aspirations. It seems that Satan's side is very active. ダボスで存在感!日本のベンチャー企業【豊島晋作のテレ東ワールドポリティクス】(2024年1月24日) (youtube.com)


We at Watchman Japan are also examining our own faith and would like to collaborate with people, groups, churches, etc. who have guided us. As the first step. . . . In collaboration with Pastor Chris Momose, author of "Are Protestants and Catholics United?", we had a seminar on "The Differences between Catholics and Protestants"! ! We used this as a time to examine our Protestant faith by considering the problems that remain in Catholic doctrine. It was on January 27th .If you are interested, buy and read this, please! . Amazon.co.jp: プロテスタントとカトリックの団結ですか? : クリス・モモセ: 本

In 2024, let's discern and collaborate!

God bless your 2024!