“To the angel of the church in Laodicea write:
So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. So be earnest and repent. 20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.
(Rev 3:14-20 excerpt)
I accepted Jesus when I was a college student and had mental problem( Hikikomori).
I was born again with anointing Jesus love ,peace and joy beyond my expectation. My Christian life is so blessed.
By the way when the East Japan earthquake happened in 2011. The Lord Jesus gave me above scriptures.
I thought the meaning is
“ The message of Lukewarm church in Laodicea is to all the Christian at present “
Then I discussed and prayed for the detail with my Christian friends for several years.
Then I realized that the doctrine of Salvation varies depending on denominations or churches.
In this way , Christian who are truly saved in Bible way are few ,
That means many other christian are not saved.
In fact many were not true believers in the Laodicea church. That’s why Jesus is knocking on the door of our heart, shouting
“Now what you believe as Salvation is really from Bible? If not ,repent and receive true Salvation.”
Then I would like all of you to think and pray.
Please reconsider that what you believe Salvation is really based on Bible? Every christian says “I was saved by Grace through Faith.” But I would like you to consider more detail in Bible. If you like ,take account following questions.
* Did you read Old /New testament by yourself and believe that Bible is the word of God with out any mistakes?
*Did you believe the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus saved you ? He is YHWH, The God of creator.
*Did you accept that you were a sinner who should be condemned? And did you repented and accepted the forgiveness?
* Did you receive the holy spirit which is the result and sign of Faith, and get born again ? Then do you feel love ,forgiveness, joy and peace?
*Did you forsake all Idols away and serve only Jesus as the Lord? Then are you getting the fruits of the holy spirit?
*Do you belive above all from the bottom of your heart(HONNE) and practice them? Or is it from your mare knowledges( TATEMAE)?
It is easier to consider them,because it is in peace right now.(no persecution)
If what you have is the same as Bible, you can rejoice again!
If it is not the same as what Bible says ,you can change the direction. It is the good chance right now.
Nowadays Shukatsu(Preparation for death) is popular in Japan.
I think Reconsidering our salvation is Christian Shukatsu which make our present life richer.
Let's pray with me!
"Lord! Isn't my faith Lukewarm?"