
主を恐れることは、知恵の初め ―聖書―

What is "Nihon kyo" that prevents missionary work in Japan?

For the year 2023, I have been thinking about "Nihon-kyo日本教" as my theme.

Let me ask you again. Have you ever heard of this "Nihon-kyo(Japenese religion)"?

In his books, Shichihei Yamamoto, a.k.a. Isaiah Bendasan, was the first to put into words what we Christians have been struggling with for so long in our missionary work in japan.        日本教 - Wikipedia

 Based on Mr. Yamamoto's research, I would like to share what the Holy Spirit has taught me about "Nihon-Kyo" and consider what we should do to take the missionary work in Japan one step further.


1. Introduction

First of all, the following four Q&As are rough conclusions. Please think about them first.


Q1. Why is it that Japan has less than 1% of the Christian population, even though there is no strong religion like Islam and no law prohibiting evangelism?

 A1. Because "Nihon-kyo" is installed in the Japanese unconscious.

 According to Shichihei Yamamoto, "Nihon-kyo" is a hidden national religion that hinders the mission of Japan. In other words, it is the enemy of the Japanese mission.


Q2: What is the purpose of learning about "Nihon-kyo"?

 A2: To learn about the enemy in the battle for missionary work .

Therefore I run in such a way as not to run aimlessly; I box in such a way, as to avoid hitting air;  (1 Corinthians 9:26) 

Many Christians have been working hard for the Japan mission but are getting little results. Looking at this situation, it seems to me that they are "fighting a seviere fight that hits the air". Knowing your enemy well is the basis of battle.


Q3. Then, what is Identity of "Nihon-kyo" ?

 A3. It is "air"! Shichihei Yamamoto says "air" is some kind of terrifying specter.

     「空気」の研究 - Wikipedia

Air" is the air of "reading the air," the peer pressure, the atmosphere, the groove, etc., that binds and torments the Japanese people. And according to the Bible, "air "is an evil spirit.  In other words, "air" is the enemy with whom we must fight! *1

And to read the air is "Nihon-kyo" worship, and is a sin!

 in which you previously walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.(Eph. 2:2).


Q4. So what do you call and describe "the evil spirit calledair" biblically?

 A4. "the prince of Japan" = the top of the evil spirits in Japan.

The world of evil spirits also has a pyramid structure, and the head of evil spirits in each country is called "the prince of~ " as in the following scripture.

Then he said, “Do you understand why I came to you? But I shall now return to fight against the prince of Persia; so I am leaving, and behold, the prince of Greece is about to come. Daniel 10:20

Shichihei Yamamoto even said,"The air has brought us Japanese into the Pacific War"

. Air has more power than expected.


***Nihon-kyo *******

A national religion installed unconsciously that prevents missionary work in Japan. Its true identity, "air," is the biblical term for evil spirits. It is "air" and "Japenese religion" that we have to fight as enemies.



2. Characteristics of "Nihon-kyo"

So, what kind of religion is "Nihon-kyo"? 

It is a religion whose strategy is to hide everything and make it invisible!     God? Doctrine? Believers? Persecution? etc. are not well understood and anacknowledged, but they are real! As follows


Invisible God: Air ( "the prince of Japan")

Invisible doctrine: Read the air(atmosphere)! (Obey) = Give priority to the atmosphere of the place and conform to it, rather than logic (the Word of God), and adapt yourself! The  values are the exact opposite of the Bible, such as "be silent," "be flexible,"  "be hypocritical" "be moderate," "be irresponsible," and so on.

Invisible beliavers: Almost all Japanese! (by Yamamoto) What is scary is that they are all unaware of it.

Invisible church: All organizations, groups, the "Seken", and even the Christian church!



Invisible aggression: They attack those who don't "read the air" and the "stakes" by bashing, villagizing, shunning, and going through the motions. The air use their fear as a weapon to control people.

Invisible persecution: ”Nihon-kyo” accept those from abroad with a smile, but rot their roots in the swamp of "air "and transform them into something completely different*2, so that substantial missionary progress fails and they become disappointed and give up*3.

Many Japanese Christians as well as missionaries have given up on missions because they feel some kind of invisible glass wall between them and unbelievers.

This is persecution from the "Nihon-kyo"!

Japanese Christians are unaware of it, but they are working under invisible persecution!


3. How to Fight "Nihon-kyo"

So, how should we fight against "Nihon-kyo"? Let us consider from the basics of the Bible.

 1) Uninstall "Nihon-kyo" from within yourself. This is an important first step.

Think and ask yourself, "Could I have a "Nihon-kyo" value?  If so repent it! Then you will be free from the fear of "Nihon-kyo"! Then you will be able to fight!

 knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin;  (Romans 6:6)


I urge you to face the following questions.

@Have you ever read  the air of the place? ⇒That is the "Nihon-kyo" worship.

@Have you ever kept silent without speaking the truth? ⇒That is following "Shut up" of "Nihon-kyo".

@Are you using the Honne and Tatemae? It is a strategy of "concealment" and hypocrisy of "Nihon-kyo".

@Do you think that evangelism is the pastor's job and it is OK if you attend the service? That is "Nihon-kyo"'s strategy, an air of justification for giving up.

@Are you concerned about what the "seken" thinks of you and what people think of you? That is the air. It is The prince of  Japan.

@Are you more neutral in everything than black and white? That is the lukewarm faith of Laodicea.

@Do you want to avoid the topics of apocalypse and The book of Revelation? That is the air of "safety and security" in the church. 4

@Do you play the role of a nice person in the church and say only nice things? That is the air of a Pharisee in the church.


I am hoping that this uninstallation of JCI will be a countermeasure to the "five stupid virgins" theme of this blog. I think this is one of the reasons why people believe (think they are Christians) but the Holy Spirit does not live within them (actually non-Christians).

Have you taken measures for "five stupid virgins"? - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)


(2) Don't read the air, but read the Bible! Follow the truth!

 When Japanese people join a group, they immediately put up their antennas and read the atmosphere. It is the same with churches. Protestants say "Bible only" but there are many denominations. Why is that? Isn't it because they have different interpretations of the Bible, or because tradition and false teachings have taken precedence and have moved away from the Bible? It is the "air" of the church.

 We need to face the Bible by ourselves and follow the truth without being influenced by the pressure of church atmosphere.

  You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32

 Therefore we must pay more attention to what we hear. Otherwise, we will be swept away." Heb. 2:10


(3) To break the "air",  speak up and take action!

 In Andersen's tale, the child said, "The king is naked! It means to be "the stake that sticks out"  This is what many Japanese are afraid of, because they know that if they become the "out stake," they will be bashed, ostracized, and looked at in a strange way. They are afraid of that, and they keep 、、、、 quiet.

 This is the battle of the spirit. It is the Lord's battle. Just as Joshua and the others took the first step into the Jordan River, let us take the first step of action!

The Lord has opened my mouth. My mouth was opened, and I was no longer silent."

                           Ezekiel 33:22

Our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, and against all manner of demons that are in the heavens." (Ephesians 6:12)


Together, let us fight against the "air" of "Nihon-kyo"!




*1The peer pressure of masks, meetings where one cannot speak out, bullying at work and school, the Johnny's Office incident, the relationship between the Unification Church and politics, etc. are all due to "air".

*2 It is well known that Buddhism has fundamentally changed before and after it entered Japan.

*3From the time of Christianity to the present, many foreign missionaries say that "only Japan is difficult" and "the graveyard of missionaries.

*4When people say, "It is peaceful and safe," a sudden doom strikes them like the agony of childbirth upon a pregnant woman. There is no escape from it. 1 Thessalonians 5:3.

*Youtube good for studying Japenese religion 【日本教1】なぜ日本でキリスト教が広まらないのか。たったひとつの理由。国家的カルト宗教「日本教」の正体【山本七平】#43 (youtube.com)

* Nihonkyo and Air 日本教 と 空気 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)-




日本教」とは、イザヤ・ベンダサンこと山本七平氏がその著書の中で提唱してきたもので、私達クリスチャンが、宣教において、ずっと苦労してきた原因をその著書で、初めて言葉にして表現してくれたものです。日本教 - Wikipedia








 山本七平によると日本教とは、日本宣教を阻む隠れた国民的宗教」 だということです。つまり日本宣教の敵なのです。









     「空気」の研究 - Wikipedia

「空気」とは、「空気を読む」の空気、その場の同調圧力、雰囲気、ノリ、等々、日本人を縛り、苦しめているものです。そして聖書によれば「空気とは悪霊」のことです。  つまり、、「空気」とは敵であり、戦わなくてはいけない相手なのです!*1







































ホンネとタテマエ を使い分けてませんか?それは日本教の「隠す」戦略であり、偽善です。







「5人の愚かな乙女」対策はできていますか? - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)























日本教を学ぶのに良いYoutube 【日本教1】なぜ日本でキリスト教が広まらないのか。たったひとつの理由。国家的カルト宗教「日本教」の正体【山本七平】#43 (youtube.com)

日本教 と 空気 - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)

What does a "Miharinin(watchman)" do?

Two years ago, we began an activity called "Miharinin(Watchman)," which is now progressing rapidly.
クリスチャンへの警告 | ウォッチマン ジャパン (endtimewatchmanjapan.com)

It is truly a blessing from God that we, who are not pastors or evangelists, but ordinary Christians, are able to carry out activities like this.
Although we are not good with computers, we are grateful for the help in uploading the above website, requesting monthly "Watchmen emails" and "messages," and connecting with overseas Watchmen.
But at this point, you may be wondering, "What is a watchman?" So, once again, what is the function of "The Watchmen"? I wanted to put it together.


1. general watchman
Watchmen are sometimes mentioned in the Bible.

"David was sitting between the two gates. The watchman went up to the roof of the gate of the wall, and when he looked up, he saw a man running towards him. The watchman cried out, ``David! 2 Samuel 18:25,26

As the saying goes, a watchman is
① Look out from a high place such as the roof of the castle wall,
②When you find an enemy,
③It is the work of informing (warning) this to an ally (David).
In the Bible, a trumpet (shofar) is often used to give warnings, so whistles and trumpets are used as metaphors for warnings.
Even today, during wars or when protecting a building, security guards stand on alert.
In addition, when a tsunami danger is detected, it also sounds the tsunami warning to notify the people in the area.


2. The Watcher in Ezekiel 33
However, God has shown us that this is the work of the watchmen in Ezekiel chapter 33.
"Son of man, I have made you a watchman over the house of Israel; you shall hear the words of my mouth, and give them my warnings." Ezekiel 33:7
So, Ezekiel's watchman. it is,,,,
① Always look at the whole picture and keep an eye on the world situation and spiritual situation.
②When God teaches you about the enemy (when you hear the words)
③ Inform your allies (Christians). (Warning)
about it.
In particular, it is a special work to always look over the whole, not just one church or denomination.
Listen and pass on the words of warning from God, not the  warnings from leaders or the internet. In that sense, it is the work of prophecy. Ezekiel was a prophet. It's not just a "prophet," but like a pastor in general who speaks a message from God.
And the person to whom I give the warning is my ally, Israel. In other words, companions, brothers and sisters in the Lord, friends and acquaintances, etc. It is not the watchmen's job to fight against the enemy. Rather, you should act without the enemy noticing. In the above verse, the watchman also reported to his ally David.


3. What is the enemy?
So who is the enemy? Normally, it would be a war partner, an invading thief, a Philistine enemy of Israel, etc.
The enemy of the watchmen in Ezekiel 33 is Satan's gang and his schemes. In other words,,
He is a dangerous person who will drag you to hell if you get involved with him!
Demonic teachings, movements, leaders, organizations, etc.!
And many Christians think they are on the right path, but they are headed toward hell.
"Enter at the strait gate; for wide is the gate that leads to destruction, and wide is the road, and many are those who enter through it." Matthew 7:13
The enemy is desperately trying to take as many people as possible to hell.


4. For example, what kind of enemy is it?
・Catholicism Same as Christianity, unification with Protestantism has been progressing since around 2000. But if you look into its official doctrine, it retains quite a  terrible doctrine of the Reformation. The second of Moses' Ten Commandments was also deleted (!). モーセの十戒 - Wikipedia  I would like to write another blog about Catholicism, but here are the books I recommend. We must clearly recognize that Catholicism is not orthodox Christianity.
Amazon.co.jp: プロテスタントとカトリックの団結ですか? : クリス・モモセ: 本
・NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) A movement led by American Peter Wagner (author of The Third Wave of the Holy Spirit) and others. They are idolaters, false apostles, and false prophets who seek prosperity, evil desires, healing, miracles, and power over Christ. Be careful when it comes to the end of the world, as fake things tend to exaggerate signs and wonders.
“For a false messiah and a false prophet will appear and perform great signs and wonders, to deceive even the elect if possible.” Matthew 24:24
“The man of lawlessness shall appear through the work of Satan, and shall perform all false miracles and signs and wonders, and shall use all unrighteousness to deceive those who are perishing; because they would not love the truth that saves them.” 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10
・ecumenical movement
This is also happening on a global scale, with Catholicism playing a central role. In addition to unifying with Protestantism, we are also seeing the extraordinary nature of unification with other religions such as Buddhism and Islam.
教会への警告!!エキュメニカル運動*世界統一宗教 by Torben Søndergaard, The Last Reformation - YouTube
・Trinity of evangelical fakes
Actually, what I am most concerned about right now is the Protestant tradition, especially the evangelical tradition. I would like to summarize this again, but in Matthew 25, Jesus warns the church today that there are five foolish (unsaved) Christians.
There are many causes, but one of them is the false Trinity (Father, Son, and Bible).
教会で内住の聖霊が否定されてきた歴史 - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)
・Japanese culture (contrary to the Bible)
As I have been talking about in this blog, the atmosphere, common sense, and peer pressure that interfere with missionary work in Japan, which Isaiah Bendasan Shichihei Yamamoto called "Nihonkyo(Japanese religion)", are truly our enemies.
Recently, the ``Johnny's office incident'' is this Japanese religion! The atmosphere in Japan has tolerated the Johnny's incident and made him a hero. This is not someone else's problem!
BBCドキュメンタリー「J-POPの捕食者:秘められたスキャンダル」【日本語字幕つき】 - YouTube
The bigger problem is Japan's lack of sense of crisis. Even when various disasters, economic problems, and persecution occur overseas, they don't care at all. There is no sense of crisis.
Above all, every Christian somehow believes that he or she will go to heaven.
It is too naive! This is a serious  problem.
But how narrow is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life! Few people find it.
Matthew 7:14
・Others: LGBTQ, vaccinations, globalization, AI, poverty, economic issues, etc.


5. Let's get ready!
No matter how many warnings you hear, they are meaningless if they are not accompanied by action.
Get ready for the end time!
in our watchman ministry
We are thinking of holding disaster and evacuation seminars, economic seminars, persecution survival seminars, 666 Mark of the Beast seminars, counterfeit seminars, Holy Spirit seminars, real salvation seminars, etc.

Jesus also said this in his teaching about the end times in Matthew 24.
“Therefore be ye ready, for the Son of man will come at an unexpected hour. And who is this wise servant? Blessed is the servant whose master, when he returns, finds him doing as he has commanded him." Matthew 24:44-46



クリスチャンへの警告 | 見張り人サイト (endtimewatchmanjapan.com)








ダビデは二つの門の間に座っていた。見張りが城壁の門の屋根に上り、目を上げると、男がただ一人走って来るのが見えた。見張りは声を上げて(ダビデ)王に知らせた。~」 サムエル下18:25,26








































カトリック教  同じ、キリスト教として、2000年頃からプロテスタントとの統一が進んでいます。でもその公式の教義を調べてみると、あの宗教改革当時の恐ろしい教義を結構保っています。モーセ十戒の第2番目も削除(!)したままです。モーセの十戒 - Wikipedia カトリック教については、改めてブログを書きたいと思っていますが、おススメの本はこちらです。カトリック教は正統なキリスト教ではないとハッキリと認識すべきです。

Amazon.co.jp: プロテスタントとカトリックの団結ですか? : クリス・モモセ: 本


・NAR(新使徒改革) アメリカのピーター・ワーグナー聖霊の第3の波の著者)等が導いたムーブメント。繁栄、悪い欲、癒しや奇跡、権力欲、、、をキリストよりも求める偶像礼拝であり、偽使徒、偽預言者、です。世の終わりは偽モノがしるしや不思議を派手にする傾向があるので気をつけましょう。






教会への警告!!エキュメニカル運動*世界統一宗教 by Torben Søndergaard, The Last Reformation - YouTube






教会で内住の聖霊が否定されてきた歴史 - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)


・ニッポン文化 (聖書に反するもの)



BBCドキュメンタリー「J-POPの捕食者:秘められたスキャンダル」【日本語字幕つき】 - YouTube






・その他  LGBTQ、ワクチン接種、グローバル化、AI、貧困、経済問題 等々。















Is it OK if you believe in Tatemae? Bible and Japanese Culture

I'm sure you have thought, "Why is Christianity only 1% in Japan?" There are various causes, but I think one of the causes is the Japanese habit of "honne and tatemae".
"What does the Bible say about this?" Today, I would like to think about one of the Japanese culture, "Honne and Tatemae".
1. Japanese Culture in Matthew 23
Matthew 23 is a famous passage where Jesus severely rebuked the Pharisees. Am I the only one who feels like I'm talking about Japanese culture when I see this? Please think about it in light of life in Japan.
Verse 3-4: "Therefore, do whatever they say, and keep it. But do not imitate their conduct, for they say it but do not do it." Matthew 23:3
Even if you say good things with your mouth (tatemae), you don't act (honne)... Jesus calls this hypocrisy, that is, a lie, and rebukes it severely!
Verse 5-12: “Everything I do is for the sake of being seen by others.~ I lengthen the fringes of my clothes.~ I like to sit in the upper seats. 23:5-7
It is hypocrisy and severely reprimands those who place importance on the outside, appearance, and appearance that are shown to others, while neglecting the inside and the essence. It's normal to call a pastor a teacher, even though you shouldn't be called a "teacher" (Matthew 23:8). peer pressure).
Verse 13-15: "You go by sea and by land, hoping to make one convert, but when you make one, you make him a child of Gehenna who is twice as bad as you." 23:15
It's basically good to be loyal to authority, but even if the authority is wrong, it will be a tragedy if you make them obey and make mistakes. I think there is an air (peer pressure) throughout Japan that you have no choice but to obey organizations, traditions, common sense, and authority.
Verse 16-24: "Blind people, which is more precious, the offering or the altar that consecrates the offering?" 23:19
In Japan, as represented by craftsmanship, "details" are very important. Then the small things tend to be more important than the big things. It becomes a so-called putting the cart before the horse, and a problem comes out. “Priority” is very important in the Bible!
onflict, pretentiousness, and inversion of priorities are hypocrisy, lies, and sins in the Bible!
"Can you ignore the Pharisees...?" No, it's not someone else's problem!
2. What is Honne and Tatemae? ・・・Means for adjusting to air (tuning pressure)
Now, let's look up Honne and Tatemae on Wikipedia.
***(Excerpt from Wiki)*************************
Honne is synonymous with ``honshin'' and does not include deceit (lie) about yourself. If you reveal your true feelings, you may be criticized or have a bad reputation, so be gentle in your expressions and hide the parts that are likely to be criticized. As a result, the tatemae appears in the table.
*************************(Excerpt from Wiki)**
As mentioned above, tatemae means to vaguely express or hide one's true feelings in order to respond to the surrounding air (sympathetic pressure). And those who can distinguish between the truth and the truth are considered to be “adults” and are considered good things. Isn't this scary? What the Bible calls hypocrisy is good.
And it seems that Japanese people tend to give too much priority to the truth and lose sight of the truth. This is very dangerous, so be careful!
3. Honne and Tatemae in the church
"We'll dig deeper." What about inside the church?
In conclusion, unfortunately, I think that the church also has its true intentions. Now, I would like to ask you about an important point that can be said to be the basis of faith. everyone is,,,
①In Honne, did you believe that you were "a sinner who deserves hell"?
"General Japanese vaguely believe that they will go to heaven." This is probably because most people do not commit so-called crime-level crimes.
Among my acquaintances, after many years of believing, they realized in their hearts that they were sinners, genuinely repented, and became Christians at that time.
In Honne, do you believe in the "victim of the cross"?
I often hear that in disasters, survivors feel guilty about the dead. And we really "killed" Jesus (Acts 2:36). I repented when the Holy Spirit taught me that I didn't really understand it until recently.
In Honne, did you confess Jesus as "Lord"?
"Master" is the master, the one who is completely submissive (to aim). Many people have this "Lord and Confession" as a subject. If anything, I feel that it is a profit faith, a faith that uses God. "I was like that too at first." One day, when I repented and believed in Jesus as Lord, I became a true Christian.
In Honne,can you say that the Holy Spirit resides in you?
In Acts 19:1~, Paul asked, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" Because I was baptized wrong.
 In this way, the Holy Spirit may not dwell in the body due to differences in beliefs and ceremonies, but the church does not take this seriously. Isn't it exactly "the indwelling of the Holy Spirit" that is the subject? This is the most important thing that separates Heaven from Hell.
In Honne, are you worried that the Japanese people around you will "go to hell"?
This is about evangelism, but I feel guilty that I haven't been able to evangelize to my relatives, workplace, neighbors, and friends! It's not our responsibility when we preach but it's not accepted, but it's our responsibility until we distribute the tracts. Many people think that this is left up to the church. But evangelism is the responsibility of every believer. (Mark 16:15)
In other words, regarding the foundations of faith such as ① to ⑤, Tatemae is spreading like air in the church! If any of them are dead, they may not have been saved. This is not an individual problem, but the atmosphere of the church or denomination (common sense that goes against the Bible).
Let's face reality!
4. Free yourself from the church air (peer pressure) and follow the Bible
If you notice even a little bit of the church's morale (common sense that goes against the Bible), by all means throw it away and be free! And this time follow the Bible! We recommend the following:
・Read the Bible with your own eyes...Put the interpretation of the church aside and read through the New and Old Testaments.
Pray... what are you telling me? And ask the Holy Spirit for answers, not the church.
・I repent... What is the unscriptural Japanese culture in me? He asks, and repents of the sins shown.
・Discussing... Talking with a trusted friend and praying together is even better than thinking alone!
・Act…Try to act on what the Holy Spirit has told you, even if it is just the first step! Then you can see the second step. This is how God makes a way in the wilderness! (Isaiah 63:19)
Be prepared to stray from the common sense of the church and break up with yourself.
it's okay!
God knows how weak we are and the difficult situation in Japan, so please help us!
5. Prayer in Daniel 9
When I think about sins like "Tatemae" that affect Japan as a whole, like this time, I am reminded of the prayer in Daniel chapter 9. Daniel realizes that Israel was taken captive to Babylon as a result of disobeying God, and he repents of all Israel's sins as his own. Reading this prayer makes me want to pray for the sins of Israel (Christians) in Japan.
"O God, incline your ear and hear. Open your eyes and see the desolation of us (Japan) and the desolation of the city (church) which is called by your name. Not because we are right, but because you are right. Out of my deep mercy I fall down and offer up a prayer of supplication: Lord, hear me, Lord, forgive me, Lord, turn your heart and do your work, O my God, save for your own sake. for your name is called in your city and among your people.”Daniel 9:18-19
Don't you have a Tatemae in your faith?















 13-15節: 「あなたがたは、改宗者を一人つくろうとして、海や陸を巡り歩くが、改宗者ができると、自分より倍も悪いゲヘナの子にしてしまう。」同23:15


























ホンネで、罪人だと思っていますか? - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)






 「主」とはご主人、完全服従する方です(目指すということ)。この「主と告白」がタテマエになっている人が多いです。どちらかというとご利益信仰、神を利用する信仰だと感じるのです。 私も、初めはそうでした。ある日これを悔い改めてイエスを主とホンネで信じた時、ホンモノのクリスチャンになれました。

  キリストに一目惚れ - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)





信仰に入ったとき、聖霊を受けましたか? - 聖書の知恵 (hatenablog.com)













































 今回は、その助けとなる本を紹介します。「Pagan Christianity(異教だらけのキリスト教」です。(英語ですが只今日本語版が製作されているところです。)







AmazonサイトAmazon.co.jp: Pagan Christianity?: Exploring the Roots of Our Church Practices (English Edition) 電子書籍: Viola, Frank, Barna, George: Kindleストア

・本の主旨を説明した動画 教会の起源はお墓だった!? 有名な教会はすべて太陽信仰神殿墓地!【異教だらけのキリスト教1】#32 - YouTube

・検証のためのこの本に否定的なサイト フランク・ヴィオラと有機教会 (wayoflife.org)






「私が来たのは地上に平和をもたらすためだ、と思ってはならない。平和ではなく、剣をもたらすために来たのだ。」マタイ 10;34


